Sunday, March 24, 2013

Nobody Said It Was Easy...

To Potential AP Bio Students,

Congrats on being motivated enough to even consider this class! AP Biology is a bit of a monster. While it may make you stress out, freak out, and even want to drop out at some points, it's completely worth it. Whether you are here because you want to pursue a career in the sciences or you want to avoid science at the college level, this class will be a new experience for you. I came into this class thinking I was pretty good at science. I wanted to major in zoology and I was so excited to get started. By the time I finished the class I finally realized that science wasn't meant for me. I'm still fascinated by the subject matter but going through our labs and discussions made me realize that I couldn't do this for a living. While this may seem like a bad outcome, it's actually a great one. I'm so glad I took a chance on this class and realized what I didn't want to study before college. For my more science inclined peers, this class really helped them buck up for the next level of science classes. We are all well prepared for whatever lies in store in the future.

With all of this in mind, here are some tips for getting through this class:

1) You have a plethora of resources. That being said, you need to be able to motivate yourself to use them. Whether it be your peers, your textbook, the blog, or Mr. Landry, take advantage of any help you can get. Everything is in place for your to succeed, you just need to be ready to work for it.

2) Be engaged. Don't be afraid to ask questions. In some classes students are way too nervous and self concious to ask for help. You're going to have questions and that's completely normal. Who knows? Someone else could be just as confused as you are.

3) Get your work done. Homework. No one likes it and no one ever will. Unfortunately, it's not going away any time soon and avoiding it doesn't do you any favors. Get used to having homework every night. There may not be set due dates on everything but it will be due eventually. Make sure you finish it, do it well, and understand it. It's going to pay off in the long run.

4) Socialize. Sure, I had friends coming into this class but I had way more when I finished it. Make sure you branch out a bit. It will make class more bearable. Also, you will be doing some big group projects and labs. You'll need to be a team player. Even if you don't finish the semester as a social butterfly you'll leave with a better understanding of working in a group.

That's really all I have to say. I hope you take AP Bio. It was a great class and even though I'm not pursuing science as a career, it helped me develop some skill and habits that are applicable to other subjects. Even if you're on the fence, try it. At the end of the day it feels pretty good to be able to say "I took AP Bio."