Monday, November 5, 2012

Homecoming 2012!

Homecoming. Such a simple word yet it encompasses so much. Homecoming is a great time of the year. Spartan pride is demonstrated in every facet of the community. In the high school, student council works hard to ensure every aspect of the day goes well. All four committees are in charge of a different event/activity. We begin working on everything in the spring for the fall. It's a lot of work but it's totally worth it. We have an overall theme for homecoming and then each class picks a subtheme. For example this year our theme was musicals. My class, the Senior class, chose "Rock of Ages"!

We begin the week before the Friday of Homecoming with dress up days. It's just a way to amp up the student body and get some points for your class. It's really fun when everyone participates. On the Friday of Homecoming we don't have a typical school day. We have festivities all day. In the morning we attend homerooms for attendance and then head to the gym for the formal assembly where all the candidates for homecoming king and queen give a speech. We then move on to games! It's such a fun part of the day. We literally play games for about 2 hours to earn points. We try to keep the games bigger so we can involve as many people as possible. One of my favorites is the Caterpillar. I don't really participate in the games but they're fun to watch. I get tired out just from cheering my class on! It's a great display of sportsmanship and team spirit.

After games we split off into classes to eat lunch and practice our mock rock. Mock Rock is a choreographed dance that we present. It should relate to the theme we have chosen. It takes a lot of rehearsal to get our routines done but it's one of the coolest part of our homecoming. After everyone presents their mock rock we move on to our parade! It's small and consists of the marchign band and all of the floats made by students. Each class must make a float for this parade and it too must relate to the theme. once at the field the marching band performs some of their show and we have our pep assembly in which we get pumped for our homecoming game.

The Class of 2013's "Rock of Ages" Mock Rock!

In the evening we have a community parade and finally the big game. SAturday night we have our homecoming dance and that's a whole different adventure. It's a long two days but there's so much that goes into it that makes it so great. I love the feeling of pride and energy that comes with homecoming. This year was my last homecoming and it was extremely bitterweet. I'm glad that I'll never have to deal with the stress of all these activities but I will miss it. It's one of my favorite spartan traditions and we hit it out of the park every year.

Favorite musical character day! My friends Jonathan and Nokomis were Cathy and Don from "Singin' in the Rain". I was Eponine from "Les Miserables".

At the homecmoing dance Saturday night!

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