Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Decisions, decisions...

Lately I've been thinking a lot and trying to figure out what I'm going to do after graduation. While it seems like the future is lightyears away, it's not. Soon we'll all have to make choices about what we want to do with our lives. That's pretty scary. However, I've come to conclusion that the University of Michigan is where I want to be.

I've visited quite a few times and it seems more like home every time I go. While I do love this class, it's made me realize that science isn't really for me. It's interesting and fun but I don't think I can make a career out of it that I'd be happy with. While I have my mind up about which college I wish to attend, I haven't made up my mind about my major. I'm going to go into my freshman year undecided and then declare when I feel comfortable with what I'm doing. It's a big decision to make but I feel good about it. I might as well get my gen eds out of the way and then settle down into a specific field. I think I'll double minor as well. Maybe do a foreign language as one of my minors? I'm not quite sure yet. What I do know is that I have some big decisions ahead of me but I'm glad I still have some time to figure it all out.

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