Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Vote Ribosomes for president of the cell! Recently in our AP Biology class we had an "Organelle War". We were all partnered up and were assigned an organelle to campaign for. My partner and I were assigned Ribosomes! Ribosomes are incredibly important because they make all the proteins which are vital to all organisms. They work through a process called Protein Synthesis. Ribosomes are responsible for translating the DNA from the nucleus into the amino acid sequences and then pairing up the amino acids to form the proteins. There are many specialized proteins that do really important jobs. For example, enzymes help break substances down. Without these enzymes processes such as digestion wouldn't be able to happen. We used mediums such a twitter, our blogs, and word of mouth to get our message across. We had a campaigning day in class in which we were able to hop out in to the pod and set up a station. All groups were present and our only goal was to garner as many votes as possible. My wonderful partner, Emily, even ended up rapping to get people to come to our station! We had some videos playing and a poster with which we could present. We even ended up having a mini debate with the Nucleus and Mitochondria. We made a campaign video as well. Overall, this project was a fun way to learn about the relationships between different organelles and about some of the traits that make the organelles important.

To visit Emily's blog, visit It's a good read. I promise.

To see what we were up to on Twitter, check out @RaRa_Ribosomes and #shscellwar.

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